Saturday 30 April 2011

What have you learn't about technologies from the process of constructing this project ? (Evaluation Question 6)

We used a wide variety of technologies to help construct our project some of the first bits of equipment we used were essentially in producing our film. The first piece of technology we used was the camera it was a vital that we learn't how to use the camera and practiced filming with the camera so we knew how it worked and which angles and positions you can get the best shots. We then practiced film with the tracking and with the tripod to capture the best shots possible for our film .

In post production we placed all our footage in programs such as Premiere where we were able to edit the footage into our final film. We then captured images from our blog and edited them in Photoshop which we then copied onto a memory stick and placed on our blogs in the digital storyboard and under the first evaluation question as evidence of each of the different aspects shown in evaluation question 1. Once we'd finished editing our film we moved the film onto sites such as Youtube and Facebook to get general feedback on the film.

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