Tuesday 5 April 2011

General Feedback On Final Film From Group

We had alot of positive feedback on our final film from our piers. Many commented on how they liked where we'd set the film and how exceptional the film looked as a whole. We had very positive feedback on how the storyline unfolded and people commented on our use of suspense to build up the storyline. One of our piers even commented on the good use of special effects and SFX in the film. They commented on how enticing the film was and how it made them want to watch more. Overall our piers thought our film was very enjoyable and very well produced in fact we had some comment on how stylish some of the shots looked and some even considered buying the film.

This was very positive feedback especially when compared with our original film which had very mixed feedback much of negative. I think this was because we hadn't particularly put much effort into the film and we had completely the wrong setting. Many others also let it down small things you wouldn't normally see in gangster films such as gangsters eating melons and drinking orange juice. However I felt we put much more effort into our re shoot and it seems to have payed off as we have produced a much better film which fits more into the gangster genre and had many unexpected positive bits of feedback.

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