We decided to use this type of font for the title as it made the tittle more bold and easy to read we also decided to use a black background against a white title as we feel it makes the title stand out more on the page. We choose this title for our film as it sums up what happens in the narrative and it gives the viewer an idea and an insight of what the films about and what sort of genre it could be.
There were two main locations that we used in the shooting of our film. These were the drama room and the construction shed. We used these two locations in particular as we felt these were the most suitable locations to shoot a gangster film as alot of gangster films usually open onto a dark setting good examples of this are films such as The Godfather.
The Drama Room
This is the first location we used to shoot our film because the location was very plain and simple with black walls making it harder to know exactly where it is creating a sense of mystery also where this meeting is taking place. The dark walls also help with the lighting of the film so along with dimming the lights in the room the black walls helped to make the room darker and more ominous.
The Construction Shed
This second location we used to shoot our film we used this location the majority of the time for the action scenes and other important scenes within the film. The reason we thought this location was a good place to shoot the majority of our film was because not only is it relevant to the gangster genre but it is also unique to the stereotype people would expect to see in the genre which is good as it makes people realize that not all films have to stick to the stereotype.
Costumes and Props
Here is a basic example of some of the props and costumes used in the making of the last man standing. There are many simple iconic props such as a variety of guns, ski masks, black hats and coats along with a bag used in the meeting as a bargaining ship. We researched what costumes and props the majority of gangster films used and realised they usually didn't usually use a large amount of props instead they just used some iconic props that had more of a meaning to the narritive and had more effect and impact on the audience. Similarly in our film we've done a similar thing and haven't used to many props and reused the same guns in different scenes seen as how unless you've got a large amount of people in a shot using alot of props you don't need as to use as many props.
Camerawork and editing
We used a wide variety of camera shots while producing this film for example long shots , mid shots two shots etc. and we always made sure we had the camera at the best possible angle to capture the best shots possible to give the viewer a better viewing experience. Once we'd captured all the shots we needed plus some extra shots not needed in the final film we moved the footage from the camera into premiere where we cut the best shots we'd captured and moved them onto the timeline to go into our final film from which we did our last minute editing and added in the after effects. While we were shooting our film we used tracking to make sure we covered all angles of production and so we could follow the characters as they moved about so we could capture every peice of the action.
Title font and style
The style of font we used throughout the film for the titles was bold and bright so they stood out against the background within each shot. We then compared the use of style and font for titles in other gangster films to see how they go about incorporating them in their films opening. We used this consider how which style of font we should used for our titles and eventually came up with a bold title that stands out from the background as shown below.
Story and how the opening sets it up
Genre and how the opening suggests it
The genre of our movie is the crime/gangster genre the opening suggests this from facial expression types of props used the locations and the costumes to an extent. The facial expressions suggest its a ganster movie as the guards faces are more serious and threatening where as the other guys facial expression is more intrigured, causious and self statfised over the propersition taking place . This fits more into the crime/gangster genre as it is more how a criminals facial expression would be if they were at a meeting talking about trading illegal goods with a suppler. The fact that the guards are where ski masks in an attempt to cover their faces so people can't identify them also contributes to the threaning facial expression wanning people not to mess with them and as for the location well both locations without being told are not easy to recongnise showing that if a fight were to break out the person who survived could get with it.
How the characters are introduced
Each character is introduced at the beginning of the film in Jacks flashback, as he described what happened and we introduced the characters at the begging of the film to avoid confusion. They were introduced individually in the flashback so the audience can more easily identify which characters and too not take up as much of the screen with loads of titles all on at once so the audience can't see whats happening in the scene.
Jack Barber
Special effects
We used a wide selection of SFX especially in the action scenes from gunshots (muzzle flashes) and smoke effects and many more. This gave a more realistic look and feel to the film clearly displaying what the guns would look like if they were real guns and really fired.
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