Monday 13 December 2010

Vertigo Films

Vertigo Films Is An British Film Distribution And production Company. the Company Was Formed For The Express Purpose Of Producing And Distributing Two Films (The Football Factory) (Its All Gone Pete Tong) 
Its current Goal Is To Produce Four Films And Distribute Four Films A Year.  

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Monday 22 November 2010

Target Audience

The film will be rated 18 or over which means No-one Younger Than 18 May See The Film And No-One Younger Than 18 may Rent Or Buy The Film 

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Title Sequence Of Casino Royale

Theres approx four seconds between each credit in this specific title sequence

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Importance Of Character In Opening Scene Of Back To Future

In the opening scene we realise that there's no non dietetic sound eg music just the sound of clocks in the background this tells us that the film has something to do with time or time travel and that one of the characters obviously has a fetish for time.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Film Review/Analysis Of The Gift

In the opening scene of the gift we the sound of crickets and the scene of a lake at night surrounded by trees in a thick layer of mist this could symbolize a sense of mystery and dread it begins with a tracking shot along the river. We then see then see a dock and some trees to the side of the river with flashbacks (cutsences) of what's happened there with the sound of thunder with the sudden cutsences and the sound of crickets and ambient sound in the main scene. We then see a larger view of trees against the lake with the thick shroud of mist the next sence is of trees on the side of the bank in the day which follows through to show all the trees in the forest against the sunlight from the side of the lake this gives us a sense of reassurance knowing we can see our surroundings the opening credits then start to appear against the lake we are then shown the reflections of the trees against the lake in the sun to make us feel as if its unreal. 
The first thing we see after that is a close up of a watch and a pack of cards we can tell someone wants to know the time as there hand is on the watch and we can also tell that the watch and the cards are symbolic to her personality and essential what she does. She then takes the cards off the table and the camera cuts to a scene of a river going under a bridge against a public foot path. We then see to boys going over a smaller bridge across the river we then see a long shot of them messing around on the bridge telling us that there bored and looking for something to do.

Monday 20 September 2010

Film Review Of Yes Man

In the opening scene of Yes Man the first thing we see is a phone going off with the ringtone of separate ways by journey we see a close up of the phone to tell us its from an unknown caller. The next thing we see is a guy holding up the phone hanging up the phone we can tell the shots a mid close up because we can only see from he's shoulders upwards. The next scene is of the guy putting having put his phone away have it ring again. He then takes it out and hangs up again which gives us the impression that he doesn't know the person or doesn't want to know them. 
The guy then moves into the next room where he takes the phone out of his pocket and answers it by accident the guy then picks up phone and pretends to French we then here a guy saying his name and saying he knows its him from this we can tell he knows the person but just doesn't want to speak to them. We then see a long shot of the inside of the video store he's in as he tells his friend on the phone he's busy. We then see him heading towards the camera as he travels down isles of DVDs trying to choose one. 
We the see the inside of the video store from a different angle as he heads towards the till to buy the DVD he's selected. He's friend tells him that he knows he's at the video store, by this time the camera angles changed to show the line of people queueing up at the till. He's friend then tells him that he can see him from the outside of the video store. The scene then changes again to show a long of his waving from the window on pavement on the other side of the video store, we can then see a road with a couple of cars parked outside and one getting ready to turn.

Friday 17 September 2010

Film Review/Analysis Of The Others (Thriller)

In the opening scene of the others the first thing we see is a picture out of a what seems to be story book with the voice of a woman reading it this gives us the impression that she has children we can also tell by the tone and pitch of her voice that shes telling a story to the children as shes speaking quite calmly. As the film goes on we can tell from what she's saying that its a children’s version of the bible and that there religious. We then see the film title against a picture in the book with the sound of a flute and harp playing in the background. In the pictures there are children suggestion that the main storyline has a lot to do about the children. We then have the opening credits with pictures of the what the story's about in the background. Its tells us it has a lot to do with a mother and her children.
 And that their constantly protected by there mother we then hear the sound of a violin the pictures then show us that the children are being haunted. From the pictures we can tell the film is based at a time around the first world war by the way there dressed. The film then begins with a picture of the house where its going to happen with a date in the corner of when the films based in 1945 its also tells us the house is in Jersey, the channel islands. By this time the music from the flute,harp & violin have stopped and the next thing we here is a woman screaming as it shows her waking up from what seems to be a nightmare.
Film Review/Analysis Of  Knowing (Thriller)

In the opening scene of knowing we see is the clouds drawing away to reveal the sun this could represent some sort of hidden meaning its a weather shot . With the sound of whispers as it does , the next thing we see is a girls face staring up to look at the sky it is a close up so we can see the expression on the girls face, with the sounds of whispers as she does this could be telling us that people could be talking behind her back or that she has some sort of a psychic gift. We then see a group of children at a school the writing at the bottom of the screen tells us its set in the past in 1959 which is complimented by the fact there wearing clothes from that era by this time the whispering stopped this tells us the whisperings are associated with the girl.The shot of the children is a long shot this is important because its shows a large amount of people and shows us that she's seperate from the group almost an outcast.